Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Arabian Niqhtsss .

Is it just me or was this one thee best weekends Ive had in a verry lonq time ? Suwhooop.
Saturday niqht was spectaccc ; drove to Brklyn to spend thee niqht at my sister Poca's, but then niqqas called up talkinq about a party so thee sister Glitter and I left, while Poca wanted to play mommy and stay homee, Lol I love her. So Glitter & I walked all thee way up to Church Ave & 55 Street, which is a qazillion blocks away from where we were stayinq. We walked and qot chased by several creepers, we stopped traffic (like literally too, no cocky shit). We end up at this horrid baby shower turned party and sit there for a qood 15 minutes before we decide time to leave is now. Then we qo to some party in which I heard no music cominq out of so I was like fuck this is even worse but we qet in and its pretty poppinq . We also noticed that we very much under dressed, in sandals , leqqinqs and shorts, and a v neck while 98% of thee other qirls had on heels and a dress . Cameras were flashinq, niqqas started cruisinq in and thee niqht turned out qreatt . Check out Glitter's story here.

Then Sunday morninq I went for a lovely drive to Jones Beach that I was told was only a 20 minute drive but was more like an hour w| thee kid, and ran on thee beach which left me soo sore, but its alllll qoood .

Great times - lookinq forward to doinq it aqain verrry soon.

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